The following are useful tips to consider while downloading torrent files and they can bail you out from any problem you might encounter while downloading torrent file. Kindly read through them and you will be glad you come across these helpful tips on my blog. Just help me by subscribing for my post by inserting your email.
- Seeders (Seeds) [Upload]: Are people who have a complete copy of the torrent's files and are only uploading (sending) data to the people who are downloading (receiving).
- Leechers (Peers) [Download]: Are people who are currently downloading the file. Leecherscan become seeders after downloading the full file.
- Keep your virus protection program up to date. There are free anti-virus programs, top-of-the-line, such as Microsoft Security Essentials, AVG and Avast. If you do happen to get a virus, remove it.
- A practical tip is to stick with downloading torrents that have a large user base. This means download only those torrents that many people have downloaded and uploaded, or that have been active for a long time. The logic here is that nobody will seed a torrent that has a virus in it and therefore the torrent won't be very popular and won't be seeded. Be wary of the week old torrent with one or two people seeding it.