Do you know it is now possible to link your facebook to your mobile number with which you can update your facebook and chat any moment without paying a dime, I will show you how I connect my facebook account with my mobile mobile number and this made it possible for me to remained remained onlined 24 hours my Nokia 1280 updating my post and commenting on walls and replying friends and clients messages and tho good news is that is is still FREE!!
This is good for students who cannot afford who cannot afford the payment of BB packages. All you need to do is to go to GLOMESSENEGER or click on the image below and you would be taken to their homepage, create and accout with your Glo mobile number the steps are so easy anyone could get it done. just follow the process and pronto your mobile number has been linked with your facebook account and from henceforth you would be seen online ever without paying a dime or using internet connection. It is still free at the moment but GLO could decide to be charging any moment. You can also link your gmail acount and other email options available on their homepage and you can decide to go offline as well.
- Go to the settings page
- Click on Facebook logo to link to your phone
- Go to contacts page and click on “Facebook Friends” field to add friends, click create
- Save the Facebook number you receive on your phone for each Facebook friend
- To post to a friend’s wall from your phone, send an SMS to the saved Facebook number saying WALL (leave a space) and then the message. (example WALL hey there!)
- To post to your wall from your phone , SMS WALL (leave a space) YOUR POST to 2034 Example: WALL great party
- To get your top 3 NEWS Items, SMS WALL to 2034.
- SMS WALL again for more news items.
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