Monday 26 March 2012


The minimum wage crises between the government and labour force in the pace setter state takes another dimension today as the organised labour in the state declared an indefinite strike in the state -
to be effective in al the nooks and cranny of all the regions in the premier state - over what they termed as
deception from the promising governor, they has eventually agreed together and declared a
strike with one voice this is as a result of the long overdue minimum wage promised by  the Governor during
electioneering campaign which has become a bone of contention between the
factions of the labour force in the state. Formerly this morning the  Governor called what we could term as 'town meeting' with labour representatives in attendance, all in the name of resolving the crises and after all being said and done, the governor promised to give labour a new table but we were all amazed that the new government table when compared with the former one rejected by the labour last week their is no considerable or meaningful increment on the table, as the wise saying goes "there is no difference between six and half a dozen", and after the JNC and labour representatives headed by Com Arowolo, Com Olojede eta'al were welcomed back to the labour secretariat, the abnormal table was unanimously rejected and with one voice the labour ddeclared STRIKE in Oyo State and it was resolved that there should be now work through out the state till a meaningful living wage is prepared by the government for the labour force. So the organised labour in Oyo state has eventually callled for a STRIKE in the state
Com Arowolo Stamping the strike declared by the organised labour


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